Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Future of the DL's

In 2015, I wrote a post highly critical of the entire Diamond League concept, while offering a few solutions!
Well, it seems no one was listening!
But the recent decision by the IAAF to cut the time of each meet, and some of the events, makes it urgent that we fight this legislative mangling of some of the most important meets of each year, including years holding WC's or OG's!!

What ARE DL's?
They're meets devised to determine the greatest athlete of the OUTdoor season, based on the number of points they get!
Seven of the 14 meets have one set of events, the other 7 having a different set, so that most athletes get a chance to compete for the prizes--i,e CASH!!

But now the IAAF wants to change all that!
They want to cut the number of meets from 14 to 12!
They want to cut EIGHT events from the schedule of each meet!
They want to cut each meet's overall time from 2 hours to 90 minutes--for TV!!
Let's not forget that a former WR holder on the track is leading this set of changes!!
Sebastan Coe!

The change that's gotten some loud (and defiant) replies is the elimination of the track 10000 from the schedule of events!
Of course, that distance has been so rarely run (on the track) in recent years that it almost killed itself!

But look at the percentages of participation in some event categories!
I don't have the exact numbers, but my guess is that distance races--5000 on up--has the highest degree of participation!
Sure, a vast majority is NON-elite, but there are enough elites who DO run distances on the track!
Look at meets like Payton Jordan, or the Friday Night distance programs at the Eugene (Pre) DL!!
(That might be changed this year, as the meet will be held at Stanford, due to Hayward's renovation project!)
I think it's great that TV is wanting to televise every DL meet!
I can even accept its shortening of the "TV window"!
But why must T&F limit THEMSELVES to that window?
Why must ANY limits be devised that can only imperil the continuing growth of our sport??

The Prefontaine meet had the best answer!
Have a night of distance events that the window can't open itself to!
Name me one person--or specifically the athletes who have competed there these past many years--and tell me THEY don't like competing OUTSIDE the window TV offers!
My best memory of that Friday Night session was when they held a 10000 AND a THIRTY THOUSAND meter race---back to back--on the track!
And it was all FREE!!
FORTY thousand meters of World Class racing!!
(Plus other events!!)

The Bislett Games (Oslo's DL) held a 10K every year--BEFORE they tied themselves to the DL system!
The Van Damme meet in Brussels also had a 10K race!
(BTW, another part of Coe's "solution" is to make the "Finals" duo of meets (Brussels and Zurich) a ONE meet affair from here on!!  And actually, I LIKE that idea!!)

I'm not sure about the HT, but I LOVE that event!
Anita Wlodarczyk has been one of the sport's favorite athletes for maybe 10 years or more!!
It's such an exciting event!
I'm happy the Challenge set of HT meets were conceived, but  let's not force them into a foster system,!
Let's make that event, and the 10K, part of the DL family again!!

Is the money there?
Is THAT the problem?

If it is, then what's changed from the days of Bislett's and Van Damme's 10K's?
If the money was there then, why not now?
Other than MEGA-stars such as Usain Bolt--who maybe commanded a much higher price than the rest of the athletes, I don't see why the money---now that Bolt is retired!--can't be more evenly spread around!
Distance runners are--and will--be turning to the Roads (as Paul Chelimo recently stated), but can't a space be made on the track for that group also??

In fact, I want to see a track 10K for BOTH sexes offered!!
Sure, not every athlete would run the 10K in every DL, but I could see them competing in 3 or 4!
Or alternating their schedule with the 5000---which, BTW, is ALSO being eliminated!!
Yes, Coe wants to make the longest track race the 3000!
If that's to be the final outcome, why not lengthen that event to the Two Mile--and time the runners enroute at 3k??

One person commented that practically every other sport's events (games, meets, whatever) last far longer than 2 hours--and especially 90 minutes!!
Baseball and football games regularly go past the three hour mark!!
With overtime or extra innings sometimes extending the time to FOUR hours or more!!

Why must T&F limit their meets to less than TWO hours??

Even if a "Friday Night" session can't be added---because of hotel rooms being needed, or transportation needs being made more difficult---surely the added events can be scheduled for the hour or two BEFORE the day's meet begins---or after it's over!!

Look at England's Highgate Harriers  track 10K!
It's like a tailgate party--with races added!
They have tents set up over the track---extending maybe 40 or 50 meters--under which the fans stand behind ropes in the 4th lane on out!
They can drink beer or whatever while watching thrilling elite races!!
Most British stars compete there, such as Andy Vernon and Jo Pavey in past races!!
Seems like it's loads of fun--and a way to popularize distance races on the track!!
I'd love to see Payton Jordan try that!

So just extend the meet---outside the TV window!

I can understand the long Walks (20K & 50K) not being held in these meets!
Or the Multi's!
But if the facilities are able to hold EVERY field event---including the longest throws (DT, HT, JT), then why try to eliminate any of them??
Even at Hayward, there's an area outside the stadium where the HT used to be held?
I saw Lance Deal throw there, among many others!!
While I'm speaking of field events, return to the SIX throw set-up for the Throws!
(As well as the Horizontals getting 6 attempts, not four!!)

There are meets for individual events held every year!
You have the INdoor PV meets in Akron, Ohio, and Reno, Nevada!
You have Europe's All Star Perche meet for the Vault, and the Eberstadt HJ meet!
The Jordan meet can easily be considered a Distances meet, even though they have shorter track races, and some field events!

But the DL's CAN be important!
Of course, for me, times and marks are much more important than points scored or medals won!!
One way to have athletes run faster in every meet is to offer cash for Records!
For WR's, Meet Records, or even National Records!
Time trialing may be boring to some, but not to this blogger!!
Watching an athlete try to hold onto a Record pace AFTER the rabbit has left the track is as thrilling to watch as anything else track has to offer!!

But PR's are Records also--just by a different name!
PR stands for PERSONAL Record---so it's a Record whichever way you look at it!
(Even WORLD Records are PR's--for the athlete setting the WR!!)
So one need not try for a WR, or a National Record---they can just try for Personal Records!

Please--athletes, coaches, fans---speak out LOUDLY against Sebastian Coe's idea for a new DL set-up!!

Ask yourself---WHICH events will be eliminated to fulfill Coe's goals?
How MANY athlete's livelihoods will be short changed?
How many FANS will be lost--even to watching the TV coverage, let alone ATTENDING the meet in person---and helping hotels, restaurants, transportation systems, shops and movie theaters show a greater profit?

For me, the BEST idea would be to drop the DL concept entirely!
Go back to the meets being Invitationals, as they used to be!
Bislett, Rome, Oslo, Zurich, Pre, Stockholm, and all the others which were uplifted from Invites to DL status---should return to what they were before!!

I'll close this by quoting my HERO, Bob Dylan!
This is a verse from his song "Maggie's Farm"---which was a metaphor for the US government!
Let it stand now as a metaphor for the IAAF's idiotic idea for changing the DL's!!

I try my best to be just like I am
But everybody wants you to be just like them
They say "Sing while you slave!"
But I just get bored
No, I ain't gonna work on Maggie's Farm no more!!

Scream your displeasure at Coe and his COhorts (Sic!) at the IAAF!!

Thank you for reading this!
Please send it forward!!

Next post will be my choices for Athlete's of the Year, etc etc for my four core groups--World, US, Collegiate, and HS--for the INdoor season just past!!

See you soon!

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