Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Powerful Pre-Pre

For those confused by my title, please note the Prefontaine Classic DL is just 5 days from today!
So THIS is the time we might call "pre-Pre"!
Ha Ha!!

One thing's for sure--the Jamaican Championships Women's 100 Final WAS quite powerful!!

You had two super veterans vs the most blazing HS sprinter we;ve seen in this Olympic cycle!!

Elaine Thompson and Shelly Ann Fraser-Pryce had already displayed their wares this season--so what they did wasn't a total shock!
Same with the Kid--Brianna Williams!!
She'd already run the 2nd A-T HS time of 11.02.

Watch the video and hear how exited the Jamaican announcers were as they lined up for the start!
And they were off, with ET & SAFP getting great starts, but just barely ahead of a crowd, with Williams among them--at 50 meters!

But ET & SAFP have been there & done that--many times--in the most intense and important meets!
So when they EXPLODED from the 2nd half gate, we just thought--NICE!!

And they were GONE!!
In the space of 45 meters, they gained 15 or more on the field!!

At the tape, you neded am emhanced photo to decide the winner!
It was Thompson--by the thinnest of hairs!
10.73 to SAFP's 10,73, minus 3 thousandths!!

For Fraser-Pryce, she gets the Age 32 Record and the best 2nd Place mark!!

As for the youngster, she nabs the HSR, the Junior Class Record, and the Age 17 Record!!
Their heats were run in 10.89 (ET), 10.93 (SAFP), and 11.01 (BW)!!
So now we have TWO High Schoolers at sub-11.--!!

The 200 wasn't bad either!!
That one went to ET's 22.00--the new World Leader!
SAFP sped 22.22, while Williams was done!

Moving to Ostrava, we have a World Record!!
OK, so it's rather obscure, but a WR is a WR!!

Shaunae Miller-Uibo--who likes this distance INdoors, shattered the OUTdoor WR for the 300 meters, timing 34.41 at the tape!!
I don't keep records or lists for this event OUTdoors, but she gets the WR, her NR, the Ostrava Meet Record, and the Age 25 Record!!

Brittany Brown was a quick 2nd, timing 35.91!
Jaide Stepter took 3rd in 36.12!!

Mariya Lasitskene and Sam Kendricks dominated the Vertical Jumps this week (and all year!!).

Lasitskene's first this week was a 6-7.50!
Good--even great!!
Then came her 6-9!
This ties the Age 26 Record, and gives her the Ostrava MR!!
She remains 5th A-T World!!
Second went to Karina Taranda (sp?) of Belarus at 6-6!

Kendricks got the Ostrava MR with his best of 2019--19-5.59!1
But he's been steady--with his heights, and in getting W's!!
He also jumped 19-2.25 in another meet!!
BTW, Lasitskene made 3 attempts at the WR height of 6-10.75!!

Magnus Krt and Tom Walsh were strongest in the Throws!
The Kiwi giant competed in a pair of meets!
His first was won with 72-9.25, but he had tough competition!
Michal Haratyk's 72-1.50 took the Silver, while Darian Romani's 71-5.25 took the Bronze, with Konrad Bukiwiecki's 70-9.25 missing the podium!

Then Walsh blew the ball out  73-0.75 to get the Ostrava MR over Haratyk's 71-5.50!

Kirt flew the Javelin out past the 90 meter mark--twice!1
First was his Estonia National Record of 296-5!
He followed that with another NR of 297-3!

The Best of the Rest---
The re-scheduled Talence Multi's were good, but missing the excitement added to it being the bookend at the end of the OUTdoor season!!
Anyway, Nafi Thiam was the big star there--winning with 6819 points!
Even better, she broke the Hept WR for the HJ with a smooth 6-7.50--missing the World list by a half inch!1
Second went to Xenia Krizsan's 6619--the National Record of Hungary!!
Laura Ikauniece took 3rd with her 6518 score!
P Le Page of Canada won the Decathlon with a modest 8453!
Second went the USA's Zak Ziemak, with 8344 points!

Denia Caballero threw the Discus out 227-0!
Yulimar Rojas improved her NR of Venezuela with her TJ mark of 49-5!
It makes her 19th A-T Woorld!

Arianna Ince improved 1 inch in the JT to 201-5!
There were some good marks from the adidas Boost meet on a Boston street--with a straightaway track built above the street!
I don't consider such marks legit, but among the more interesting were--
Akani Simbine's 9.92
SMU's 150 of 16.27
Noah Lyles's 14.69
Sharnal Hughes's 20.00
Murielle Ahoure's 11.09,
and Kete Hall's LJ of 22-3!

In Europe, Florentina Iusco LJ'ed 22-6.50!
The Czech Republic Men's 4X100 Relay team sped 38.63 for their National Record!

Pawel Fajdek won a HT comp with 265-4, second going to Wojcieck Nowicki's 260-11.

Gwen Berry's 248-8 beat Anita Wlodarczyk's 246-5!
Delilah Muhammed finally got a quick flat 400--her 50.60 added to her 52.64 for the 400H adds to 1:43.24!
This makes her 4th A-T US on that C-E list!!

Andre DeGrasse's 19.91 beat Christian Coleman's 19.97 in a significant battle of past & current speedsters!

Juan Echevarria LJ'ed 27-3.25!
Hadn't seen any results for Sara Kolak recently, but her 211-5 JT at Ostrava indicates she's back in the mix!

The USATF Junior Champs had some decent marks for United States HS'ers!
As you know, this being a "Junior" event, it's open to Frosh Collegiates as well as the HS crowd!!

Taylor Ewert broke her own MR in the 10K Walk with her 48:24.61 cruiser!
Matthew Boling was one of the featured stars, and came through!
His best effort was his 20.36 in the 200, making him 10th A-T HS!
He added wind aided marks of 10.15 and 20.30!
Athing Mu beat Roisin Willis in a slowish 800!
Justin Robinson took the 400 in 45.58, well off his recent 44.84!!

The Men's 110H are run with the HS height barriers of 39 inches, despite the presence of Collegiates!
Anyway, a Collegiate got the MR with 13.21, but J Marshall was the first HS'er, his 13.22 ranking him 2nd A-T HS!, tied with 2 others!
He also gets the Junior Class Record!

Justin Forde's 52-10 TJ makes him 11th A-T HS!

Thelma Davies sped the 100 in 11.25, making her 23rd A-T HS, tied with 1 other!
Frosh (HS Frosh, that is!!) Kayla Davis ran the one lap in 51.28 for the win!
Marlee Starliper won the 3000 in 9:29 and change!
Jasmine Jones took the 100H in 13.19, making her 15th A-T HS!
And Anna Hall easily won the Heptathlon with 5646 points!!

Back to Jamaica for a bit--
Yohan Blake was the sole Man under10 seconds--winning the 100 in 9.96!
Shericka Jackson PR'ed in the 400 with her 49.78!
And Shaneika Ricketts took the TJ with 48-4!!

As noted above, the Pre meet is the next biggie--June 30th at Stanford!!
Interesting that it's still called the Eugene DL, even though moved this year to California!!

I won't be providing a Preview this year, but there's some HOT HOT stuff awaiting the faithful!!
Too much to review here, but if everything goes right, I might need TWO posts to cover all the results!!
A caveat or two---
I'm not sure whether the sprints will be fast--or as fast as you'd expect from DL races!
The Stanford track is most known for its distances!
The Throws might be good too, as the Cardinal team has had a few great Throwers!

Also, there's a Two Mile for Men--but NOT for Women!1

See you soon!!

Monday, June 24, 2019

75 Years--T&F Reflections

Your infamous blogger turns 75 today!
The only other person I know who shares my birthdate is former Yardbirds guitarust, Jeff Beck!
But this being a blog about T&F, I will muse and observe about my history with the sport--and the sport's history in my lifetime!

I began running at the urging of friend Howard Levy, who watched me burn up the deeply rutted dirt 440 yard oval of North Hollywood HS!
I made the team as 3rd Miler, and later evolved to a sub-3:00 Marathoner 16 years later!

But I was much more into stats, history, and stpries of famous athletes!
I began reading T&FN magazine in January 1962!
I read every issue from that date forward, as well as every issue from 1957 to 1961 in retrospect!

I compiled my own T&F Record Book in the mid-60's, but lost it, and had to recreate it in the early to mid-70's!
It's over 700 pages now!
I began this blog 5.5 years ago!

I attended many T&F meets over the years--Coliseum Relays, Compton Relays, AAU/USATF Champs, NCAA Champs, Prefontaine Classic, Oregon Twilights,several INdoor meets in LA in the 60's,and assorted other meets!

I never saw Pre run in person, but I was once asked politely by Mary Slaney to give her lane one for a 1000 meter time trial while I was running a 10K on Hayward's track!

I watched numerous meets on TV--the OG, WC, and many others over the years!
From Jim McKay to Tim Hutchings, the announcing was of the highest quality!
But the way TV presented T&F meets was horrible--and remains so!!
(NO race longer than 5 minutes is shown intact--EVER!!)

Bit much more interesting has been the evolution of the sport in my lifetime!!

The HJ saw the first 7 footer and 8 footer for the Men!
The PV went from 15 feet plus to 20 for the Guys, and from 12 & 13 for the Women to 16-7.25 OUTdoors!

Professional T&F took a couple of practice runs (the ITA!) in the 70's!
Europeans handled professionalism in a more subversive way!
"Turning pro" is still a more American term!

But with the advent of Professional T&F in the 90's came the idea of creating Grand Prix's and Diamond League systems, where points & wins became more important that amazing feats of strength, speed, and agility!!
Those have become merely effects of the striving for the biggest prizes!

Other changes--
the PV went from bamboo and metal poles to fiberglass!
The landing pits for the HJ & PV went from hay to rubber mats!
Tracks went from feet and inches to meters!
440 to 400--880 to 800--Three Mile to 5000--6 Mile to 10000!

I remember the first 7 foot HJ, the first sub-4 Mile (though my REAL memory started a few years later!).

From Ron Clarke to Kip Keino to Miruts Yifter to Ken Bekele!

From John Uelses to Bob Seagren to Sergey Bubka to Renaud Lavillenie to Mondo Duplantis!

From Dyrol Burleson to Peter Snell to Jim Ryun to Seb Coe to Said Aouita to Hicham El Guerrouj!

From Bob Hayes to Jim Hines to Tommie Smith to Mo Greene to Usain Bolt to Christian Coleman!

And there was the introduction of Women into our sport!
Oh, they'd been there from the late 1800's, but only became omnipresent when Title IX was passed in 1972!!

Went from Mary Decker to Grete Waitz to Ingrid Kristiansen to the mysterious Chinese to the Dibaba gang to Almaz Ayana!

From Evelyn Ashford to Marlies Gohr to Flojo's outlier year of 1988 to SAFP and ET and SMU!!

From JJK to Nafi Thiam and KJT!

So many athletes, so many Records, so many thrilling competitions!!

And HS'ers--WOW!!

I saw in person Ryun's and Alan Webb's historic HSR's in the Mile!
I saw Gerry Lindgren's incredible 1964 season!

I saw Leslie Maxie run the 400H HSR of 55.20 in 1982!

But then came this decade!
Mary Cain set off a storm of fast Female distance runners that is stronger now than ever!
Yet the HSR for the 10000's date from the late 70's!
So do several Collegiate Records (Henry Rono!!), World and US Records!!
Yes, we've seen enormous afvances--in time, height, and distance in most of the events--yet several remain in the "Stone Age" of the modern day sport---meaning in my one lifetime!!

This is such an exciting and dynamic sport!
It brings out all the emotions of victory and defeat!!

Many great athletes died way too young--Prefontaine, Ivo Van Damme, Flojo, Kim Gallagher, and recently Gabe Grunewald!!

We've gone from Sebastian Coe, WR holder to Lord Seb Coe, IAAF President!!

I know my time is getting shorter, and I won't see many of the great changes yet to come!!
Sub-3:40 Mile, sub 4:00 for Women, 8-6 in the Men's HJ, 21-0 in the Men's PV and 17 or even 18 for the Women!!
Sub 2:00:00 for the Men's Marathon, sub 2:10:00 for the Women!!
Sub 12:30 and sub-14:00 for the 5K's!
Sub 26 and sub 29 for the 10's!
A 30 foot LJ??
Someone producing a 100 foot WT INdoors--Men or Women!

This blog will continue as long as I am able!
It already has a solid history!
Want to read about the Millrose Games of 2014?
The USATF OUTdoor meet of 2017?
The NBN from 2016?
The NCAA XC from 2018?
The NYC or Boston Marathons of the past 5 years?
It's all here in my Archives!!
Easy to find!

My "Bucket List" includes---
returning the 1600 & 3200 to the Mile & Two Mile
seeing the top 25 HS distance runners attack the 10K Records on a track!!
FULL distance races shown UNCUT on TV---not counting the livestreams!
The dissolution of the DL system, with the Bislett Games, the Golden Gala, the Pre Classic, the DN Galan, the Herculis, and the other great meets returned to their Invitational status!!
HS & Collegiate athletes allowed to win prize money, thus ending "going Pro" silliness!

Too much to ask?
Not enough??

Stay with me as WE observe, report, and muse on the future of Track and Field!!

And be amazed!

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

NBN & Brooks PR--The Children

As happens in the world of Track and Field,  marks are always coming in from all over the world, and can't be limited to one age group, or one set of events!
Thus this "children's" post includes a few "adult" marks!
But let's begin with the kids!

Even before the NBN or Brooks PR meets, we got some incredible marks to rave about!

Brianna Williams sprinted the 100 meters in 11.02--wind legal!
This makes her 2nd A-T HS, behind only Candace Hill's sole sub-11 from a few years ago!
She also gets the Junior Class Record!!

Another amazing mark came from Justin Robinson, whose 44.84 over a full lap makes him also 2nd A-T HS!!

I'm going to report all of the "older" marks first--because they're so good--and because the two major meets didn't quite live up to their historical levels of value!
They were good--even great in some events--but overall were lacking that "amazing" spark needed to produce a historic event!!

K Lightner ran the 200 in 20.48, making him 17th A-T HS!!
This was at the Great Southwest meet!
Jan Ford ran the 400 in 51.57, making her 11th A-T HS!
AJ Green ran the 800 in 1:49.83--the first sub-1:50 of the year!
But Danial Maton--brother of Matthew--followed with his own sub-1:50--a 1:49.09!
In New York, Parker Stokes ran the 3000SC in 9:02.48, making him 8th A-T HS!!
And Haze Farmer PV'ed 17-7, but missed the HS list by one inch!!

The Girls performed far better  the New Balance meet than the Boys!1

Only 1 Meet Record  fellMale the Male side!
Kurt Powdar sprinted the 110H in 13.27 for that sole MR!
It makes him 4th A-T HS!!

Another good mark came in the 5000, won by Robbie Cazcan in 14:26.18!
Also, Yariel Soto did the 10 events of the Decathlon in runaway fashion, scoring 7509 points!
But they use the HS implements and size hurdles, so doesn't qualify for my list, which is the one Pro's do!!
But T&FN says he's 7th A-T HS for that event!1

The Girls, however, broke 4 MR's at NBN!
And none were better--or maybe more meaningful--than the 400!
Kayla Davis--a Freshman!!--defeated the almost legendary Athing Mu, 51.17 to 51.98!

This is the MR, , the Frosh Class Record--by almost a full second!!----and the Age 15 Record, according to T&FN!!
This makes her 7th A-T HS!!
She smashed her old PR by 0.91 seconds!1

Mu's 51.98 makes her 21st A-T HS!
But more importantly, it strengthens her potential to run well under 2:-- over 800 meters!!

Marlee Starliper took the Mile in 4:41.18!
Sydney Mascirelli--the 2018 Footlocker winner--took the Deuce in a slow 10:11.99!
But maybe there was a good reason for the slow time!
You see, the day before, she'd won the 5000 in a solid 3-way race!1

After a slow start (5:20), Kelsey Chmiel took the reins and ran the next 1600 in under 5:10!
Another syb-5:10 found Chmiel giving up the lead to Mascirelli!1
And it was the latter that sprinted down the final straight (past lapped runners!) to victory!
Her time of 16:16.20 is the Soph Class Record!
It makes her 11th A-T HS!!
Chmiel held on for the Silver, time of 16:18.57!
This makes her 15th A-T HS!
In 3rd came an unknown (to me!), Lydia Russell of Pennsylvania!!
Her 16:18.72 makes her 16th A-T HS!!

The Vertical Jumps both got Meet Records!
Morgan Smalls HJ'ed 6-2.25 to win easily!
She tried 6-3.50, but missed!
This makes her 7th A-T HS, tied with 5 others!

Chloe Cunliffe also tried a higher height-14-8.25, but also missed!
Her winner, however, took down the MR--measuring 14-4.75!1
It was the first 14 footer at NBN!!

Taylor Ewert won the 2000SC in a MR 6:33.61!
She also ran the Mile  and an 800 Relay leg!
She didn't Walk, since she's readying for her first 20K Race Walk!!

Britton Wilson won the 400H in 56.17,  making her 7th A-T HS!
There were some fast Relays, but ZERO Meet Records in that department!

The Brooks PR meet had a few high level performances also!
The best was the Girls Two Mile!
(I congratulate both meets for doing the full 2 Mile rather than the 3200!!_

Ericka VanderLende took a great 3-way race in 9:53.00!
This makes her 2nd A-T HS!!
(Remember, I don't count 3200 times, or times converted up to the full Deuce!1
This eliminates at least 2 speedy 3200's!!)
Katelynn Hart took 2nd with her 9:56.15!
She's 7th A-T HS!
Brynn Brown's 9:57.54 makes her 8th A-T HS!!

Both Miles were solid, but none of the marks made or changed my lists!
Three Boys ran under 4:04!
Ned Foster's 4:03.11 won the race!
Joe Workman's 4:03.73 took 2nd, while the Leo Daschbach's 4:03.98 took the Bronze!1

The Girl's race was won in 4:42 and change by  Zofia Dudek!
Taryn Park was close behind in 2nd!
Carlee Hanson also dipped under 4:43!
Back in 7th came the former World Leader--Victoria Starcher--in 4:45.01!

Cole Sprout took a good 2 Mile in 8:46.41!

Sciarra Killebrew sped the Century in 11.24, making her 19th A-T HS, tied with 3 others!!

Remember Roisin Willis, the Frosh who beat Athing Mu at the NBIN back in March?/
Well, she got an OUTdoor PR in winning the 800 in 2:04.86!!

At the Adrian Martinez Classic, Ryan Oosting finished just 5th in a field of Professionals, but his 4:03.70 was a solid effort!!

And that does it for the "children"!!
But this time of year, there are several smallish European meets, plus a few here in the States, that give athletes a chance to Q for the WC's, or just have a hard effort!!

Best was Ryan Crouser, who got the SP out to 73-4.50!!
He had two other Puts over 73 in the series!!
Jon Jones finished 2nd with a PR of 69-7!

Kenyatta Hackworth (a name worthy of being in a novel!!) LJ'ed 23-1.75, but it was windy!1
However, her best legal jump of 22-8.50  makes her 16th A-T US!!
(Where did she come from??)

Vashti Cunningham remains the best US High Jumper, her 6-4.25 an easy winner!
However, Jenna Rowe PR'ed with her 6-2.25!

The Brooks PR includes a few Pro events!
Best was the Men's 1500, where Josh Kerr PR'ed with 3:33.60!!
His previous best had been his Collegiate time of 3:35.01!
The Women's 1500 was won by Katie Mackey's 4:05.97!

BTW, Henry Wynne finished 2nd to Kerr in a good 3:35.14!

The Lusembourg Men's SP National Record went to Bob Bertemes's 69-10.25!!

Malaika Mihambo :LJ'ed 23-1.75!

Both Lavillenie brothers competed in a PV in France!
Valentin came out the winner with his 19-075!
Brother Renaud couldn't even top 18 feet, and finished  6th!!

Finally, Kirubel Erassa ran a 10000 in 27:32.89. making him 18th A-T US!!

But more significantly, it REMOVED the iconic Ed Eyestone from the US list, that being his 27:41.05 dating from 1985!!
Eyestone is a prominent coach these days!!

Next up is another "children's" meet--the USATF Junior Champs!1

Also, there's the Talence Multis!1

Wait, you say, aren't the Talence Multis normally held in mid-September?/
Yes, they are!
But they moved it up a few months, as the WC's would come less than 2 weeks after their "normal" dates!!

So lots of good stuff upcoming!
And then there's the Pre DL on June 30th!!

See you soon!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Oslo & Rabat DL's--The Adults

I'm dividging this week's results into two posts--one for the "adults"--i.e the Pro's!---the other for the "children"--i.e the High Schoolers!!

Best of the adults came not so surprisingly from Genzebe Dibaba, who just likes to run fast!
The result was a 3:55.47!
And she needed most of that, as Sifan Hassan stuck to her shoulder over the penultimate 200, and wound up with a PR of 3:55,93!!
In All, 7 Women broke  4:00 on this Ranat 1500!

Dibaba got the Meet Record, while Hassan broke her own National Record of the Netherlands!
She remains 17th A-T World!
The parade behind them was impressive!
Gudef Tsegay ran 3:57.30 in 3rd!
Rababe Arafi's 3:58.84 broke her own National Record of Morocco!
Next was Acumawit Embaye, who PR'ed with a 3:59.02!
Next came Winnie Nanyondo's 3:59.56!
That's the National Record of Uganda!!

In 7th came Jenny Simpson, whose 3:59.83 makes her the first American to go sub-4 in 2019!!
Despite finishing 7th, she seemed pleased with her time!!

Top race from the Bislett Games was HomeBoy Karsten Warholm's 400H run of 47.33!
This smashed his own National Record of Norway, and adds to the growing pile of speedy Men's 400H'ers!
!It also gives him the Oslo Meet Record, and brings him up to 12th A-T World!!

The PV's were HOT!
Sam Kendricjks won a pair, first at Oslo, , then at Hengelo!
He cleared the same winning height both times--19-4.75!!
A surprising 2nd at Oslo was American  Cole Walsh, whose PR of 19-0.75 makes him 23rd A-T US, tied with 2 others!
AND he beat Mondo Duplantis, who got the same height in 4th!!

Alysha Newman cleared 15-7.25 in Guelph!
But in Rabat, Sandi Morris topped the bar set at 15-9.75 for the W and the MR!!
Amzhelika Sidorova went over 15-7.75 to take 2nd!
FIVE Women cleared 15-3.50 there---
Katie Nageotte, Ekaterina Stefanidi, Robelys Peinado, Yaraslav Silva, and Canada's Newman!!

And in Prague,, Nageotte's 15-9.25 won over Newman's 15-5.50!1

Maruya Lasitskene became the first Woman to top 2.00 in the HJ with her 6-7 win in Rabat!

Keturah Orji has performed well & steadily against big competition!
Caterine Ibarguen returned to her signature event--the TJ--her 48-6.75 winning over Orji's 47-8 in Oslo!
This gets Ibarguen the Age 35 Record!!

In Jamaica, Shaneika Ricketts measured 48-2.50 to top Orji's 47-9!!

In Rabat, Fedric Dacres exploded out to 232-3 in the DT!!
The T&FN eTN reported that this throw was first ruled a foul!
But it apparently won the protest, so I';; consider it legal!1
It breaks his own National Record of Jamaica!
And it ranks him 18th A-T World!
Daniel Stahl's 229-5 was a strong second!!

The Oslo Women's DT saw Yaime Perez get the Meet Record with her 224-6!
 Sandra Perkovic took 3rd with a measly 212-6!

The Oslo Women's 3000SC saw Norah Tanui win in 9:03.71 for the Meet Record!
And she got the Age 23 Record also!
She beat WR holder Beatrice Chepkoech's 9:04.22!
Emma Coburn ran 9:08.42 for the Age 28 Record!
Mismas Milaneo (sp?) ran 9:20.47 to break her own NR of Slovenia!
Anna Moller ran 9:24.21 to break her own National Record of Slovakia!
And Mel Lawrence PR'ed with 9:29.41 to become 15th A-T US!!

Christian Coleman won the Oslo 100 in 9.85, the World Leader!

Sydney McLaughlin beat Delilah Muhammed, Shamier Little, and Kori Carter to win her first Diamond League 400H race with her 54.16 cruiser!
Marcin Lewandownski won the Bislett Dream Mile in 3:52.34, breaking his own National Record of Poland!
Johnny Gregorek ran 3:5299 in 4th, with Clay Murphy right behind in 3:52.99!!

The 3000 there was taken by Selemon Barega in 7:32.18!
In 3th came Henrik Ingebrigtsen, whose 7.36.85 becomes Norway's NR!!
Drew Hunter ran 7:39.45, but misses the US list by four tenths of a second!

Dafne Schippers won the Oslo 200 in 22.56--but she won!!
She also ran 11.06 to win a 100 elsewhere!
Also in Oslo, Liljao Gong's 64-0.25 beat Chase Ealey's 63-0 in the SP!

Ealey later measured 63-7 in another meet!

Luvo Manyonga LJ'ed 27-4-75 to take the Hengelo event!
Tahudun Halle and Neil Kimeli ran in the 12:57's in the Hengelo 5000!
The Women's event was won by Margaret Kipkembo, time of 14:37.22!
Sifan Hassan was relegated to 2nd in 14:38.5476!
Elish McColgan PR's with her time of 14:47.84!
Finishing 11th (last??), Kim Conley also PR'ed with her 15:05.20!!
But she misses the US list by 0.46 seconds!!

More interesting & high quality "adult" results--
Anita Wlodarczyk whipped the HT out 248-0 for a W!
Justin Gatlin proved he ain't done yet with a 100 of 10.01!
Konrad Bukowieki got a SP of 7102.50!
Fred Kerley took the Jamaica 400 in 44.49!

Shaunae Miller-Uibo ran 49.54 for an easy win!
Ajee Wilson won the Women's 800 in 1:59.22!

Melissa Bishop returned to action after giving birth, her 800 time of 2:01.10 a clear winner!
Kendra beat the Queen in a duel of Harrisons--12.54 to 12.69 in the 100H in Jamaica!

Alice Reh of Germany took a German 10000 in 31:19.87, the fastest time since the Stanford Invite!
Michel Haratyk tossed the SP 71-1-.25!

In a solid HT battle, Wojmieck Nowicki's 263-4 beat Pawel Fajdek's 262-9!!
More Rabat results--
Salwa Naser easily won the 400 in 50.13!
Nelly Jepkosgei took the 800 in 1:59.53!
Andre DeGrasse's 20.11 broke his own Rabat MR in the 200!
Getnet Wale took the Men's 3000Sc in a quick 8L06.01!
Sergey Shubenkov and another runner sprawled to the track at the finish line of the Rabat 110H, with Shubenkov getting the W in 13.12!
And Juan Echevarria LJ'ed 27-4.25 for the win!

In a Walk in Spain, Toshi Yamamoto won the 20K in a fast 1:17:15!
Way back in 54th (!!), Nick Christie PR'ed in 1:24:15!
The state of distance walkers in the United States!!

(BTW, HS'er Taylor Ewert's first ever 20K Walk is coming SOON!!
Let's all cheer her on to a fast time and successful race!!

Ayanleh Souleiman took a 1000 in 2:16.51.
And als, Victoria Starcher no longer is the shock HS'er who leads the World in the Women's mile!!
That honor now goes to Helen Schlactenhaufen's 4:30.87!
MANY women followed her, so Ms Starcher is now out of the Top 10 in 2019!!
A pair of domestic meets produced some good distance results---
Zarhan Taik (sp??) won the Portland Track Festival's 10000 in a MR time of 28:02.79!

Konstanze Klosterhalfen won the 1500 in 4:03.30 at PTF.
She also ran an 800 in 2:04 and change!

Shannon Rowbury--in her first serious track race since giving birth last June,--ran and won the 5000 in 15:38.75!!

Finally, the Adrian Martinez meet had an intersesting Women's 5000!
I'm sure you recall me reporting the big PR in the 1500 for Eleanor Purrier of 4:02.35!1
Well, now she's got another HUGE PR--she took this 5K in 15:08.61!!
Jessica O'Connell of Canada was 2nd in 15:10.64!
Great Britain;s Amy Eloise-Neale was 3rd in a PR time of 15:11.01.
Katrina Coogan also PR'ed with her 15:14.57!
Marathoner Kellyn Taylor was next in 15:19 and change!
Then came Abbey Cooper!
Abbey COOPER??
She's the former Abbey D'Agostino!!
Her time of 15:21.87 came after two years of endless injuries, beginning with that iconic Rio heat with New Zealand's Nikki Hamblin and (then) D'Agostino becoming iconic figures for the tumultuous tumble both took in their heat!

Next up will be my "children's" report, featuring results from the NBN and Brooks PR meets!!

See you soon!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Gabe Grunewald--A Heroine for the Ages

On maybe the saddest and weirdest days this blog has experienced, Gabrielle (Gabe) Grunewald passed away at the way too young age of 32.

What's left to say about this remarkable woman?
In her brief span of life, she brought so many people into her sphere of beauty, and inspired millions more!

Without any doubt!

Even throgh multiple battles with humankind's most dreaded disease!

Warm, positive, and friendly?
Yes and yes and yes!

A fantastic athlete?
Look at her times and medals!

Gabe Grunewald walked a path few will ever see or feel!
It's impossible to think of how many times anyone else might have just surrendered!
Thinking "I can't win, so why fight?"!

Not Gabe!
Never Gabe!

Her light lit the deepest darkness!
Her beautiful and happy smile shone through as if the Sun itself!

No words can express the sadness I feel!
The elite runners she shared starting lines with have all expressed the same thoughts, and shared the sweetest memories!

It would be the most fitting tribute to her to have a race--or a meet--or a track--or a building--named after her!

But even without those memorials, Gabe Grunewald will live on in our hearts and minds forever!!

The most profoumnd condolences to her husband Justin, her family, her friends, and all those who were left speechless by this woman's existence!!

May she rest in peace!

Run with the Angels, Gabe!

NCAA--Records, Upsets & Breakthroughs

WOW, what a meet!!
Three Collegiate, and 7 Meet Records!
Four days of incredible marks fired by some of the best competition!
Lots to report, so let's get to it!

Mondo Duplantis lost!
In one of the biggest upsets, Chris Nilsen PR'ed to beat the Swedish-American WonderBoy!
But was it a BAD day for Mr Duplantis!
Hell NO!!
He cleared 19-0.25, and should feel no shame!

But Nilsen went over a bar set at 19-6.25, and Mondo couldn't respond!

Looking at it fairly, it's been a rock steady year for Nilsen, while Mondo--despite his Collegiate Records--has had a couple of "off" days!
Consistency always wins!
Nilsen gets the Meet Record and the Junior Class Record!
He's 3rd A-T Collegiate and 9th A-T US!!
But he misses the World list by a quarter inch!!

Behind Mondo came a total unknown--to me and I'll bet to the entire T&F community!!
Clayton Fritsch--a Soph at Sam Houston--went over 18-10.25, making him a sudden player!
This makes him 14th A-T Collegiate, tied with 2 others!
Then came 4 others, all clearing 18-8.25!
Then came KC Lightfoot, another stranger named Michael Cox, then Zach Bradford and Brandon Bray!!
Oh yeah, one more item---
Mondo went Pro a day later!!
Goodbye Collegiate career!!

The 110H was sensational, but not shocking!1
The two steadiest hurdlers on the Men's side--IN or OUT--have been Grant Holloway and Daniel Roberts!

While Holloway almost always won, Roberts was never far behind!
And in  fact--leading into the NC's--Roberts had beaten Holloway, and even had a faster time--13.06 to 13.07!!

The final was letter perfect!
Both started fast, and were near perfect over the barriers, and both had good leans at the tape!

Holloway became the first Collegiate to break the 13 second barrier!
He broke Renaldo Nehemiah's iconic 40 year old CR, runnng 12.98, with Roberts equaling the previous best, 13.00!

The Record carnage began in the Semis, where Roberts ran through the tape in 13.06, a Meet Record!
Holloways cruised through in 13.16!
Then Holloway's 12.98 broke Roberts's MR, and Nehemiah's CR!1
He also got the Junior Class Record!
Holloway is 9th A-T US, and 18th A-T World, tied with 2 others!
Roberts is 2nd A-T Collegiate, tied with Skeets!
He's 13th A-T US, and 20th A-T World, tied with 2 others!!

The third CR went to the Florida 4X100 Relay foursome!
They became the first team to go sub-38, their 37.97 faster than most nations can run!!
They HAD to go that fast, as Florida State ran a quick 38.08!!
Florida gets the MR and CR, while FL State becomes 3rd A-T School!!
Texas Tech was 3rd in 38.45, but they ran faster in the Semis, their 38.37 making them 13th A-T School!!
Florida had run their Semi in 38.35, while Florida State ran 38.43 to  get Day One started speedily!

Speaking of speed, better not blink sn eye watching Sha'Cartri Richardson race the final 40 meters of her 100!!
Earlier this season, she'd tied the Frosh Class Record with 10.99!
This gave NO hint of what was to come in the Final!!

Her blond hair flying behind her, she got off to a solid start, but was behind at halfway!
Then she kicked it into 5th gear on Austin's fast track!!
Gaining yardage with every step, she actually raised her arms in celebration 5 to 7 meters from the line, maybe losing 0.05 or so!!
But her amazing time was finalized at 10.75, which led Dwight Stones and Jill Montgomery to say "Wow!" and "Oh my God!" as they tried to grasp what this young lady had just done!1
She broke th venerable CR and MR of Dawn Sowell, which she ran in 1989!!
At altitude!!

At sea level, Richardson went faster, a time of 10.75--easily THE most shocking Mark of the YEAR!!
(I facetiously asked on Twitter what time the next day she'd announce she's going Pro!1  She hasn't yet, but hinted in an interview she's possibly open to it!!  After all, she's the  World Leader now!!

Besides the CR and MR, Richardson gets the Frosh Class Record--reduced from that earlier 10.99!!--and the Age 19 Record!!
She's 5th A-T US, and 9th A-T World!!

While Richardson was WAY out front, there was a little battle going on over the next few places!
Kayla White emerged the winner in this "second" race, her 10.95 a PR.
She's 5th A-T Collegiate, tied with 1 other!
Twanisha Terry's PR of 10.98 is the Soph Class Record!
She's 11th A-T Collegiate, tied with 3 others!
Teahna Daniels followed in 11.00, a bit in front of Kiara Parker's 11.02 and Kiara Grant's 11.04!1
Parker is now 20th A-T Collegiate, tied with 2 others!1

The Male sprinters also had quite a meet!--from 100 to 400!!

Divine Oduduru won the double, times of 9.86 and 19.73, the latter breaking his own National Record of Nigeria!1
In Semis, Kahmari Montgomery ran the 400 in 44.80, while Trevor Stewart was 0.04 seconds slower!
Oguduru ran his half lap Semi in 19.97!!
Mario Burhe had a fast set of Semis also--9.98 and 20.08!!

The 100 Final gave Oduduru a 9.86, making him 2nd A-T Collegiate!!
The newbie on the sprint scene--Cravon Gillespie--kept improving, his 9.93 taking the Silver!!
He's now 7th A-T Collegiate, tied with 2 others!
And 22nd A-T US, tied with 4 others!
Hakim Sani Brown took 3rd in 9.97, the National Record of Japan!1
He's also 17th A-T Collegiate, tied with a small group of 7 others!!

The Men's 400 was faster than I thought it would be!
Kahmari Montgomery nipped Trevor Stewart by 0.02 seconds, 44.23 to 44.25!1
Momtgomery is 8th A-T Collegiate, and 20th A-T US!!
Stewart is 9th A-T Collegiate, and 23rd A-T US!!

Two other events for the speedsters produced a slough of quality marks!!

The Women's 200 saw Sha'Carri Richardson back in action less than an hour after her 10.75!1
She was heading for a W, but ran out of track!
So it was Angiie Annibus who nipped Richardson by inches, 22.16 to 22.17!1
Annibus is now 4th A-T Collegiate!
For Richardson, she's 5th A-T Collegiate, and gets the Frosh Class Record!!
She's 20th A-T US, tied with 1 other!
Richardson is 22nd A-T US
Cambrea Sturgis and Janeek Brown both ran 22.40 in 3rd and 4th, respectively!1

Oduduru--as noted above--doubled, and his 200 time of 19.73 He's 10th A-T World, tied with 3 others!
The Duck tochopped his unknown former PR to smithereens!
His 19.93 had to be a HUGE PR!!
Gillespie is now 9th A-T Collegiate, tied with 1 other!
Sani Briown sped 20.07 in 3rd!!

Janeek Briwn us for reaL!!
Her winning time of 12.40 improved her PR by 0.13 seconds!
But Chanel Brissett had a bigger PR--0.17 over her Semi time--her 12.52 making her 6th A-T Collegiate, and 14th A-T US!!
Brown became 16th A-T World!
Tonea Marshall ran 12.66, making her 14th A-T Collegiate!1

This is getting rather long, but I'm going to break  the code, and continue on!
My original plan was to do the NCAA's in 2 parts!!
One more event, and I'll then do the rest by event group!!

That one event was the best Distance race of the meet--the Women's 1500!
While I thought a sub 4:10 was possible, I did NOT expect THIS result!!

Sinclaire Johnson--the new kid on the block--took the lead on the last lap, and wouldn't let favored Jessica Hull get past her--swerving back and forth from lane to lane, blocking Hull's attempts to sprint past her!!
Johnson's 4:05.98 and Hull's 4:06.27 was the result!!
Only Jenny (Barringer) Simpson's outlier of 3:59.90--run at the Pre meet in 2009--is faster on the Collegiate list!1
Johnson gets 2nd A-T Collegiate, while Hull now ranks 4th!!

Apologies for the length--and more apologies for the truncated fashion of the remainder of the results!!
That's what happens when you get a qua;ity meet!1

Sprints & 4X400 Relay
Some fast times in the long Relay's Semis---Texas A&M ran 3L01.26!
Iowa ran 3:01.41, while while Moorth Carolina A&T ran 3:02 and change!
Western Kentucky ran 3:02.04, making them 23rd A-T School!
Quincy Hall won the 400H in a slight PR of 48.48!
This makes him 13th A-T Collegiate!

In the long Relay, Texas A&M almost got the CR, missing by 0.05 seconds!
Their 2:59.05 makes them 2nd A-T School!
Florida's 2:59.60 makes them 4th A-T School!
Houston's 3:00.07  makes them 10th A-T School, and Iowa's 3:00.14 maskes them 12th A-T School!
Wadeline Jonathas took the Women's 400 in 50.60!
That mskes her 19th A-T Collegiate, tied with 2 others!
Texas A&M won the 4X400 Relay in 3:25.57!
That makes them 6th A-T School!
Arkansas ran 3:25.89, but won the meet in this event when USC fumbled the baton!!

Except for the 1500 listed above, the only other distancerace worth mentioning is the Women's 3000SC, where Allie Ostrangder was in total control, and won in a slight PR of 9:37.73!
In other distance  stuff, Weini Kelati and Clayton Young took the 10000's in respective times of 33:10 and 29:16!

The Men's 800 was alsookay, as Bryce Hoppel won in 1:44.41 over Devin Dixon, who also got under 1:45!
, making him 5th A-T Collegiate!
Festus Lagat ran 1:45.05 in 3rd, making him 21st A-T Collegiate!

Dani Jones and Morgan McDonald won very slow 5000'ds--the Women's race won in 15:50, and the Men's in 14:06!
Jones beat Taylor Werner, while McDonald won over Grant Fisher!!
Jazmine Fray won the 800 in 2:01.17 using a negative split!

Field Events (except the Men's PV, listed above!)---
Tori Hoggard won the Women's PV with a slight PR of 14-11.50!
Her sister Lexi Jacobus, the Rio Olympian, could clear just 13-9.25 and secure a multi-way tie for 9th!!
Tripp Piperi won a good Men's SP with a good 69-3.25!
This makes him 22nd A-T Collegiate!
Jordan Geist wasd 2nd, while INdoor CR holder Payton Otterdahl was relegated to 4th!!
Anderson Peters broke the JT Meet Record TWICE---first with a heave of 277-11, then with his winner of 284-2!1

Samantha Noenning won the Women's SP with her 59-6.25!
This makes her 20th A-T Collegiate , tied with 1 other!!

Camryn Rogers won a good Women's Hammer Throw!
Her 234-7  beat Erin Reese's 233-2!
The latter is now 9th A-T Collegiate!
Alyssa Wilson took 3rd with her 228-10!
Sade Olatoye's 227-7 was 4th, and makes her 14th A-T Collegiate!1

Rogers also gets 13th A-T US!!
JuVaughn Harrison took the LJ with a leap of 26-11!
Mackenzie Little threw her Javelin out 185-0 for an easy W!
Yanis David took the LJ with a mark of 22-5.25!
This makes her 6th A-T Collegiate , tied with 1 other!
But she lost her signature event--the tJ--to Shadia Lawrence, 45-10.25  to David's 45-5.25

Laulauga Tausaga won the DT with her 207-8 PR!
This makes her 10th A-T Collegiate!
Shanice Love PR'ed by 5 feet, taking 2nd with her 205--8!

USC took the 4X100 Relay (forgot to mention this above!!) in a School Record of 42.21!
This makes them 3rd A-T School!
LSU was 2ndiin a solid 42.29!

Arkansas had run 42.65 in their Semi, making them 7th A-T School.
And Miami's 43.49  makes them 21st A-T School, tied with 1 other!1

Johannes Erm bet Harrison Williams in the Decathlon, 8352 to 8014!!
This makes him 6th A-T Collegiate!
And it gives him the Soph Class Record!!

Ashtin Zamzow was equally dominant in the Heptathlon, winning with a score of 6222 points!
This makes her 7th A-T Collegiate, and 22nd A-T US!!
She won over Tyra Gittens's 6049, and Michelle Atherley's 6014!!

Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce ran a 100 in Jamaica in 10.88!
That WOULD have been the World Leader---but Sha'Carri Richardson ran that shocking 10.75!!

Again, what a meet!!

Oslo's DL is next!
Sydney McLaughlin is running in the 400H!!
Hang on to your seats!1

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Rome (DL) Express Powers On

If you're searching for my usual negative critique of the DL system, look beyond Rome!!
This year's edition of the Golden Gala produced a strong and steady number of impressive marks!

And none were better than the Men's 200!!
Michael Norman was stepping down from his Mt 400 to duel with the entertaining Noah Lyles on his native turf--the half lap!!

Both stormed out with the gun around the bend,as even as could be!
Coming into the straight, Lyles used his muscle power to inch ahead.
But Norman was strongest at the end, his full lap endurance bringing him to the line inches ahead of Lyles--and with a better lean!
The numbers speak for themselves!

19.70 for Norman!!
19.72 for Lyles!!
For the USC Pro, it was a PR by 0.14, and gave him the Rome Meet Record!
It improved his Combined Events total for the 100-200-400 to 1:13.42!
He's 2nd on both the World and US C-E lists!
He moves from 15th A-T US to 8th!
And it makes him 12th A-T World!!
But it was the majesty of the race itself that spoke loudest!!

The Men's 5000 and the Women's 1500 were rock solid steamers!

There was still a pack of 7 or 8 runners with 2 laps to go in the 5K!
While Ben True was running a good race, the African contigent was dominant---again!!

When the tape was reached, it was Talkama Halle winning in 12:52.98!
Selemon Barega was right behind in 12:53.04!
Hagos Gebrhiwet was next in 12:54.02!

In 6th came Mo Ahmed, his 12:58.16 making him the Canada National Record holder, and the first to go under 13 minutes!!
True finished in 13:09.81!

Jenny Simpson ran her first race of the season, her 4:01.18 making her the US leader!
But she didn't win!
That accolade was left to the inimitable Genzebe Dibaba, who seemed as good as she was a few years ago, when she broke several World Records INdoors and OUTdoors!
She took the lead even before the rabbit left the track!!
Laura Muir went with her, but a bit late, and Genzebe sprinted to a W time of 3:56.28!
Muir sprinted hard, but her 3:56.73 fell short!!
Degefa Tsegay dipped under 4:00 to take 3rd!
Simpson was 4th, but looked good!
Canada's Gabby Stafford ended just behind Simpson in 4:01.28!1

Then came the 7th placer--and she shocked!!
Elinor Purrier, who began her starred Collegiate career as  a Steeplechaser, ran a swift 4:02.34!!
She is suddenly 14th A-T American!!!

The Women's PV had all the usual suspects from across the globe!!
Including the sudden;y prolific and Record setting Swede--Angelica Bengtsson!!
Seems a long time ago now, but she was a star in her teens, but is now a seasoned Pro!!

And she Won!!1
Her 15-7.25 broke her own National Record!
But in back of her came FIVE Women who all cleared 15-3.50!!
They were Katie Nageotte, Ekaterina Stefanidi, Yaraslaey Silva, Robelys Peinado, and Sandi Morris!1
Jenn Suhr??
She was there, but No Heighted!!!

As for Bengtsson, it makes her 22nd A-T World, tied with 4 others!!

Another good sprint showdown saw Elaine Thompson return to form, her 10.89 beating Dina Asher-Smith's 10.96!!
Welcome home, ET!!

As you know, Rai Benjamin decided to compete for the United States earlier this year!1
So while his 47.02 from 2018 in the 400H doesn't count as a US mark, his 47.58 in Rome does!!
This makes him 10th A-T US!!
He won without breaking a sweat!
BTW, this also gets him onto my C-E list for the US in the 400-400H category!1
His times of 44.31 & 47.58 adds to 1:31.89, tying him with 1 other for 3rd place!!

Delilah Muhammed ran 53.63 in the 400H to turn back Shamier Little's 54.41.

The Women LJ'ers had a good time in the sand!
Malaika Mihambo emrged the winner with the first 7 meter jump of the year!
Her 23-2.50 leap prevailed over Caterine Ibarguen's 22-6.50!
Brittney Reese--who threw out a couple of windy 23 footers recently (See previous post!), could fly just 22-2.50 in 3rd!!
But it was legal!

Donavan Brazier's 1L43.63 win the race, and gave him the World lead!
He beat Nijel Amos's 1:43.65!!
Brandon McBride ran a good 1:43.90 in 3rd!

Omar Craddock beat PPPP (aka Pablo Pedro Pichardo) in the TJ, his 57-5 edging Pichardo's 57-2.75!
But in third came Donald Scott his PR of 57-2.50
This moves him from 16th A-T US, tied with 1 other, to 16th, but no ties!

Two familar names won their events--Bogdan Bondarenko HJ'ing 7-7, and Sergey Shubenkov doing the 110H in 13.26!!

Ben Kigen took the 3000SC in 8:06.13, with Andy Bayer of the US running 8:14.52!
But where is Evan Jager??

Finally (from Rome!), Konrad Bukowiecki threw the SP out 72-1 for an OUTdoor PR!!
But he misses the World list by 4.25 inches!!
Darrell Hill threw 71-2.50, and Darian Romani ended with 71-1.25!

In a Prague meet, Tobi Amusan's 12.71 beat newbie Professional Tia Jones's 12.86 in the 100H!!

In Road races, Mo Farah won a British 10K in 28:15!
At the NY 10K for Women, Sara Hall edged Stephanie Bruce in 32:27!!

Were you as impressed with the Rome results as I was??
Yes, the DL format is piss poor!
But they do occasionally rise above the stink!
And this year's Golden Gala proved to be the exception to the rule!!

One last thing!!
My NCAA reports (one for each sex) will follow soon, but I wanted to be one of the first to announce that Mondo Duplantis has decided to limit his Collegiate career to one season!!
He's turning Professional!
(Of course, the Sedish--and European!--system is different than the US, as athletes are essentially ALWAYS Pro's, whether in a European school of not!1
But for NCAA purposes, his turning Pro means he can't compete for LSU after the conclusion of the NCAA Championships!!

Good luck to you, Armand!!

See you soon with my NCAA detailed reports!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

2019 NCAA--a brief Preview

I apologize for the brevity of this NCAA Championships Preview!
Some guidelines---
I;; ;ist the events in the same order I list them in my Record Book, NOT in the order of the finals on the schedule!!
Each event will  list the Meet Records, with the Men's on the left!
\Both sexes will be included in each event's listing!
I'll mention some key names, and may give odds for the breaking of the MR!!

100 (9.82 & 10.78)
No chance for the Women's MR, but it should be a good battle between Twanisha Terry, Teahna Daniels, Kayla White, and Sha'Carri Richardson!
The Men are stong here too!
Divine Oduduru should be favored, but look for Oregon's Cravon Gillespie!
Hakim Sani Brown could shock!
MR gets 40-60 odds here!

200 (19.87 & 22.02)
Oduduru gets 70-30 odds--to nab the MR and to win the race!
Gillespie has yet to prove himself in this event, but watch him anyway!
Andrew Hudson and Jaron Flournoy will fight for podium positions!
No Woman is close to the MR!
White, Cambria Sturgis, and Anya Anabail are solid shots for the W!

400 (43.61 & 49.80!)
No MR's here, folks!!
K Campbell seems the best Woman, but watch for Sharika Barnett!
Best Men are Wil London, Kahmari Montgomery & Trevor Stewart!!

800 (1:43.55 & 1:59.11)
Devin Dixon seems the best Men, but give him just 20-80 odds!
Isaiah Jewett and Bryce Hoppel are ones to watch!
For the Women, it's the Danae Rivers show, but no MR!
Jasmine Fray is one to watch!

1500 (3:35.30 & 4:06.19)
That old bugaboo--tactics--will prevent the MR's from falling, but they could be close if they'd just RUN!!
Oliver Hoere is the best Man!
Sam Worley's another good one!
The 2 fastest Women are Jessica Hull and Sinclaire Johnson!
They all have the wheels, but I don't think they'll spin out until 400 to go!!

5000 (13:18.71 & 15:15.8)
Great matches, but the MR's should survive!
It's Grant Fisher vs Morgan McDonald for the Meen, with both capable of getting the MR!
Watch out for Cooper Teare!!!
The Women have a solid crew!
T&FN picks Fiona O'Keefe to win, but not me!
Look for Weini Kelati, Dani Jones, and Allie Ostrander to battle it out!1
Add O'Keefe and Taylor Werner to the recipe!

10000 (28:01.3 & 32:09.20)
The Women got that 30 year old MR last year, and CAN do it again!
The Men SHOULD have broken their MR years ago!!
Give both 30-70 odds!
The Guys have Tyler Day, Rory Linkletter, and Gil Kigen!
Toss a coin!
The Women are LOADED!!
The Kurgats (Caroline & Ednah), Werner, Kelati, plus Anna Rohrer,and the surprising Paige Stoner!

3000SC (8:12.4 & 9:24.41)
If this were a rabbited DL meet, I'd pick Allie Ostrander to get the Collegiate Record, which is the MR!!
But alas, this is a Collegiate Championshuip--which spells SLOW, then KICK!
Allie should be challenged by Erica Birk and Adva Cohen!
Stephen Fahy is the only name of the Men I'm offering!

110H & 100H (13.16 & 12.39)
The Women have a good field, but no real standouts!
Unless you think of Janeek Brown, who ran some solid early season times!
Add Payton Chadwick, Chanel Brissett, but also watch for Tonea Marshall!
As for the Men, only two and no one else!
Grant Holloway vs Daniel Roberts!
If they don't crash hurdles, this MR should GO!!
The Women's will survive!

400H (47.02 & 53.21)
Quincy Hall could PR by a full second and still miss the MR by 0.50!!
Only Anna Cockrell will be anywhere near 54 seconds for the Women!
MR's are safe---VERY safe!!

4X100 Relay (38.04 & 42.09)
For the Men, it's Florida, Oregon, , LSU, and Texas Tech, who have Divine Oduduru!!
Women's race should be between USC, LSU, Arkansas, and Kentucky!

4X400 Relay (2:59.00 & 3:23.23)
The Women's teams to watch are Arkansas, Oregon, Texas A&M, and South Carolina!
Men's podium could be filled with Texas teams--A&M, Houston, and Baylor!!

HJ (7-9.75 & 6-5)
Sad to say, but ZERO Women will be listed below!!
The Men have Shelby McEwen and Tejaswin Shankar--with neither coming anywhere near that MR!!

LJ (28-0 & 22-9.25)
Will Grant Holloway finally reach his potential, which seems unlimited??
But watch him anyway!!
JuVaughn Harrison will challenge!
Triple Jumper Supreme Yanis David should win here also!

TJ  (57-7.75 & 47-8)
David leads the Women, and might even challenge the MR of Keturah Orji!
Jordan Scott is the solo threat to win for the Men!
25-75 for David--ZERO for Scott!

PV (19-1.50 & 15-5)
OH MY GOD!!!!!
The Men's field is the best in NCAA history!
And the Women are rock solid also!!
Might be the best event(s) of the meet!!
But is it a lock for Mondo Duplantis and Olivia Gruver, the Collegiate Record holders??
Not even for Mondo!
Think KC Lightfoot, Zach Bradford, Chris Nilsen, Matt Ludwig AND Jake Wooten!
Besides Gruver, the Women have Tori Hoggard, Lexi Jacobus, plus Kristen Denk and Lucy Bryan!
Still don't know why Gruver missed the PAC 12 meet, so she's a mystery!
If the weather is good, both MR's are in mortal danger--as are the new CR's!!

SP  (72-2.25 & 63-5)
Women's field is fairly dry, but watch for Portius Warren, Samantha Noenning, and Alyssa Wilson to fight it out!
The Men, however, have a fantastic four-way potential!!
Payton Otterdahl vs Jordan Geist vs Tripp Piperi vs Denzel Comenentia!!
Next to the PV, the best field for the Men!

DT (215-8 & 210-10)
Shadae Lawrence has been on a tear, and gets 70-30 odds for the MR!
But Laulaga Tausauga is also dangerous!
Alyssa Wilson is here also!
Greg Thompson is the best Man, but he gets just 20-80 odds!
Otterdahl is good here, but his SP remains his best bet!

JT ((271-9 & 204-0)
Mackenzie Little gets 35-65 odds for the Women's MR!
Anderson Peters hit a BIG one in early season, but not much since!
Still,  his PR is well past that MR, so give him 60-40 odds!
Curtis Thompson could surprise!

HT (265-3 &240-7)
Gleb Dudarev has hit a plateau, so will be seriously challenged by Comenentia and Daniel Haugh!
But no MR!
Camryn Rogers and the ubiquitous Alyssa Wilson will vie for the Women's title!
Their MR is ALMOST inviolable, so give it 20-80 odds!

Decathlon & Heptathlon (8499 & 6527)
Michelle Atherley and Tyra Gittens seem the best of the Women, but nowhere close to the MR!
Ditto for the Men's MR!
Harrison Williams should win this one easily!

Hope you enjoy the meet!
Schedule and all kinds of other info available on the T&FN website!!

See you soon!!

Distances Lead the Week

The event wasn't even mentioned by the NBC crew!
But the final race at the Stockholm DL--a Men's 10000--produced the best overall mark--by far!!--at that prestigious meet!

And it was a runaway for young Rhonex Kipruto, whose 26:50.16 beat Hagos Gebrhiwet's 27:01.02 by more than 10 seconds!
No one else was close, and Paul Chelimo ran just 27:43 & change--even though it was a PR for him!!

And the Women's 5000 saw the pace fall off the desired 14:30 pace called for--but it did see many runners go sub-15, bunched together in the 14:50's!
Expected to win was Helen Obiri, but a hard fall with about 800 to go prevented her from joining the party!

Agnes Tirop's 14:50.87 led the way, with Fantu Worku ending in 14:51,31, followed closely by Lillian Rengeruk's 14:51.34!
In 4th came Gabby Stafford's Canadian National Record of 14:51.59!!
Six others were sub-15 also!!--but not Obiri, who ended in 15:04!

The rest of the Stockholm meet was okay, with the weather affecting several events-as wind, rain, and cold temps blew across the track and field!!

However, Dina Asher-Smiths 22.18 in the 200 was wind legal!!
She beat Elaine Thompson by 0.48 seconds, and Dafne Schippers by even more!!

Aaron Brown continued to impress, winning his half lap in 20.06!

Michael Norman's 400 was slowed to 44.53, with Rai Benjamin far back in 45.13!

Sandra Perkovic ended just 4th in the Discus, her best measuring 209-7.!
Mariya Lasitskene won the HJ with maybe her worst winning mark ever--6-3.50!!
Sam Kendricks took the PV, but no one reached 19 feet!
Juan Echevarria not only didn't win, but his best was in the mid-26's in the LJ!
Laura Muir cruised to a 1500 runaway of 4:05 & change!!
Angelica Bengtsson reached 15-0 in the Women's PV!
Ajee Wilson won the 800 in 2:00.87--with none of the three unnamed present!!
(See note below!!)

Kendra Harrison's 12,52 outdueled Sharika Nelvis's 12.69 in the 100H--also not windy!!

Daniel Stahl threw a solid 228-3 in the DT, beating Fedric Dacres's 225 & change!
Karsten Warholm had no problem winning the 400H with his 47.85 joining the sub-48 club of 2019!!
Finally (from Stockholm!), Tim Cheruiyot held off the late charge by the young Jakob Ingebrigtsson--his 3:35.79 beating Inge's 3:37.30 in a tactical race!!

Athing Mu's INdoor season was spectacular, but her OUTdoor season had begun with a slower set of rust-busters!!
Worry no more!!
Mu smashed her 800 PR with a solid 2:01.38, finishing behind Pro Sage Hurta's big PR of 2:00.99!!
For Mu, it makes her 6th A-T HS!!
She also ran a quick 400 of 52.41!!

HS sprinters shone also, but in separate meets!
Tamari Davis sped to times of 11.27 and 22.96!!
But Brianna Williams topped Davis with her 11.10 in Florida!!
This tied her for 2nd A-T HS with Kaylin Whitney!!
She also got the Junior Class Record, that being Chandra Cheeseborough's 11.13--from 1976!!
Williams also added a 200 of 22.95!!

Athing's times were at the Music City Distance Festival in Tennessee!
Emma Coburn led the 1500 with her 4:05.24, while her friend Aisha Praught-Leer ended in 4:06!
Cory McGee was also in the 4:05's!

Other Music City goodies---
Cole Sprout won the HS Mile there in a quick 4:04.19!!
Cruz Culpepper was 2nd in 4:04.62!!

The first HS sub-1:50 was run by RJ Green, time of 1:49.83!

In Illinois, Katelynn Hart ran the full Mile in 4:39.57!
This makes her 14th A-T HS!
She was timed at 1500 enroute, but her 4:21.91 there misses my HS list by a few tenths!!
Katelynn Tuohy's Section meet in NY produced a double of 4:25 and 9:27!!
Wish Tuohy and Hart were in the same state!!

Also at Music City--
Wesley Vazquez won the 800 in 1:44.68!
A fast Women's 600 (!!) saw Alethia Moreno win in 1:27.02, topping Madeline Kopp's 1:27.90!!

There was some good field event action at various global sites!!
Topping the list has to be Brooke Anderson's big PR in the Hammer Throw!
Her massive 251-9 (She had a 2nd mark of 250-5!!) saw her move from 4th A-T US to 3rd!1
But even more impressive was that she's now 14th A-T World!!!
A good SP in Germany saw Christina Schwanitz win with her heave of 63-11.50!1
But behind her came a pair of National Records!
Fanny Roos took the NR of Sweden with her 61-11.25!
And Brittany Crew broke her own NR of Canada with a toss of 61-4!1

Kara Winger won a Javelin Throw with a good 203-8!
Dani Hill threw the SP 61-2.25!
Kristin Gierisch broke the National Record of Germany in the TJ with her 47-11/25!
I was surprised to discover that Germany's NR in that event wasn't a whole lot better!!

Daniel Veneros (sp?) became the first HS Man to hit 70 feet in the SP, his 70-10.25 missing my HS DDD by just 0.75 inches!!

Sam Hankins tossed the Javelin out 224-6, making him 20th A-T HS!!
And in the Decathlon, Solomon Simmons scored 8139 points!

Forgot to mention earlier an 800 time of 2:05.68 by  Roisin Willis!
Remember her?
INdoors, she beat Athing Mu in that event at the New Bslance meet!!

Finally, BAD news on the Caster Semenya front!!
A Swiss court suspended the ruling by the IAAF, allowing Semenya to race ANY event that has all Women in it!
But there's a silver lining--this court ruling lasts just three weeks!

Why don't the unnamed three just give up--and like all decent people would--voluntsrily surrender all the medals they won over the years--so the REAL medalists can finally celebrate!!

A beautiful message on InstaGram--with a beautiful photo attached--said that Gabe Grunewald's latest fight with cancer nearly took her life recently!
Her husband said he was about to tell he she was dying--when a "miracle" (his word!!) took place, saving her llife so well and eloquently and inspirationally lived!!

God bless her for all she's done in her young life!!
And may she continue to prove that miracles do occur!!

We love you, Gabe!!

See you soon with a smallish NCAA Preview!