Sunday, October 4, 2020

Explaining This Blog's Situation

 Hello, my friends!
This blog began December 9, 2013.
It's purpose was to provide, dissect, detail, and discuss the Records and Marks part of the sport of Track and Field--which would include the Walks, Road Racing, and peripherally, Cross Coun try.
It would be a forum through which I could state my opinion and thoughts on all the many issues and news items concerning T&F!
It's been a success, IMHO.

But there have been blips along the way that have sent me--and this blog!--to the sidelines.
In 2015, I had food poisoning, and I was out for almost 2 weeks!
It happened right before the INdoor championships (USATF, NCAA, NBIN).

Then in December of 2018, I was in the hospital for 20 days--again having to play catch up when I got my health back!

Finally, in early 2019, my eyesight got too hazy (due to cataracts) to be able to do the necessary research to do my blog in the way I wanted to!

on September 10th, I got my eyesight back (cataracts removed!), and have been able to SEE the small print again enough to do this blog again!

But I had to decide HOW to return!
Should I ignore all the results I'd missed since my last "results post"?
And what about all the typos in the several posts during the summer of 2019, due to my poor eyesight then?
Should I now go back and edit them--correct them?

I left off last year right before the World Championships began!
So I decided to report on EVERYTHING I missed since then!

But what about mixing the PAST with the PRESENT?
In other words, while producing posts with all the PAST results over the last 12 months or more, should I intersperse them with posts about TODAY's results--for example, about today's London Marathon, which I just got done watching?
Again, NO!!

If I did that, then when I got to the results from, say, September 10th of this year on in my posts of the PAST, that news would have already been reported--thus spoiling the excitement of discovery, of NOT knowing what's around the corner, what's next!
In the lingo of movie and book reviews, it's called "spoiler alert"!
I chose not to tell you the "ending", thus not allowing you the excitement of discovery, of seeing how the "plot" (the entire past year!) developed!

Long story short, my blog will continue posting the results of the past INdoor season--THEN begin the OUTdoor season!
If all goes well, I should be all caught up by the end of October!

Enjoy this journey along Memory Lane!
I am!!

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