Sunday, November 25, 2018

For Now, It's Over!

As November 2018 began, I had a pretty good idea of where this blog would be going.
Cover the NYC Marathon.
The NCAA Regionals, but only a cursory glance.
The Championships
Top 10's, with some interesting lower finishers mentioned!
And that's when the hesitation set in, day by day, hour by hour!

Long story short, a chronic foot & lower leg infection seemed to be getting worse---though ironically might now be improving!
On top of that, a bad sore throat began.
The two problems together has made daily life pretty uncomfortable.

While I wrote down the top NCAA finishers, I did so differently than I normally do---with much less energy!
(I haven't even yet changed my OUTdoor Record Book to note Kellyn Taylor's fast Half---which DOES make my Top 24 list!!
Plus whatever else I missed due to this recent onslaught of discomfort.

Suffice to say--and I am VERY sad to say so---I just don't have the necessary health to do what this blog would be doing---Previewing the 2018-2019 INdoor T&F season , making all kinds of Records predictions, then enthusiastically reporting all the best marks sure to come----soon!!
With the utmost regret, I must call a halt to this blog.
(I've also greatly reduced my commentary on the T&FN Message Board---and on my Twitter site.

I need to get healthy again!
I will still check out my normal research sites for major results.
I'll be watching LOTS of stuff on Netflix and from my private DVD collection!!
I'll watch or listen to NFL & Collegiate football games!
I'll READ the MB's!!

To prove that what I'm saying is true---I'm going to end this now!
Too uncomfortable to concentrate!!

Will you see another post?
But don't look for it!!

If and whan I can, I'll tell you more!

One thing I DO want to say---
THANK  YOU for sticking with me these past 5 years!
Enjoy the 2018-2019 T&F INdoor season!
I'll try to!


  1. Hi Aaron,

    I'm very sorry to hear of the physical difficulties you've been experiencing. I hope you can make a full recovery very soon.

    I'm sorry to see the demise of your blog. For the last five years it's been the principal way that I've followed track and field. You've made it very enjoyable with your high-quality reporting and commentary.

    Whatever the future may hold for your blog, I am very grateful to you for what you have provided me up till now. Of course I hope you will feel fit to resume your fine work at some point, and I will check this site from time to time to see if you've returned. But even if this is the end for your blog, I will always remain appreciative of what you have given, and for the friendship we have shared.

    Best wishes and best regards to you always,

  2. Just added this to check the "notify me" box so that I will know if you make any comments on this post.

  3. Hi Aaron,
    I've been wondering about you. Are you OK? Can you provide an update on your health status?
