Tuesday, October 1, 2019

An "I Told You So!" Commentary

As the Doha World Championships =enters  its fifth days, I feel the need to present this  opinion piece on a couple of issues in our sport!1
Thank you for ypir indulgence!

I TOLD YOU SO!!! indeed!!
In a ruling handed down today, USADA hashanded  Nike Oregon Project coach Alberto Salazar a four yyear ban from coaching!!


Long suspected of using Performance Enhancing Drrugs as coach of some of the World's greatest athletes--and top Amerivcan stars--Salazar's loss to our favorite sport is most welcomed by this blogger!!

But what about his athletes--past and present??

Galen Rupp and Jordan Hasay
Shannon Rowbury and Trenier Moser
Mary Cain and Mo Farah
Even current members of NOP such as Konstanze Klosterhalfen and Yomif Kejelcha!!

What dark cloud of suspicion might hang over these elite athletes's marks over the past several years??

Can my strong opinion that Salazar RUINED the promising career of then-High Schooler Mary Cain finally be validated??
Is HE the reason why Cain has disappeared from the sport, for all intents??

Mo Farah--and Cain--and Rowbury--as well as older stars such as Kara Goucher--all left the dangerous clutches of this vile person!!
They too must feel validated--and congratulated--for leaving the group and its coach!!

Unknown at this time is what these athletes--past and present--will say about Salazar's sentence!!

Also unknown is what--if any--punishment--might be brought against these athletes!!

Should they be investigated further--with whatever consequences come down--or left alone??

Whatever the future brings for them, they are now tainted by the poisonous cloud of sus[picion that must hang over their World Class marks over the past several years!!

Just as Genzebe Dibaba and Almaz Ayana and others are living with the knowledge of their former coach Jada having been found with TONS of drug paraphanalia in his hotel room  awhile back!!
Is THAT the reason Ayana and Dibaba are NOT in Doha??

Yres, I told you so!!
I repeatedly stated that Cain's problems BEGAN when Salazar took over her training in Portland in 2014!
Even though--and maybe because--her NY area coach has been  John Henwood--, not Salazsar!!

Henwood is --or was--0Salazar's associate!!

Ultimately, it's sad that this once great athlete went the way of a common criminal!!

A four year ban is NOT enough!!

Pardon me for adding the following--even though it's a different subject--and one I've echoed in this blog several times!!

Television's so called"coverage" og Track and Field!!
Or lack thereof!!

I'm also a baseball fan, and have watched or listened  to most of the Seattle Mariners games this season!!
And in every one of those games I watched on TV (via my computer) saw EVERY pitch and EVERY swing of the bat covered!!
Not one pitch or swing was missed due to ads or features or any other reason!!
In other words, 100% of the action was shown!!

NOIT so with T&F!!

I don't know what the Gold Channel provides, as I'm unwilling to pay the price for subscription!!
Same with Flotrack, Runner Space, and USATF-TV livestreams--all calling for a fee!!

As noted many times before, TV (meaning NBC and NBCSN--do NOT show any race lasting longer than five minutes in its entirety--and without at least one break for ads, features, or other events!!
Not even the 8 or 9 minutes it takes to run the Steeplechase!!

Even in the World Championships!!

In the Women's SC, they cut away after the first 400 meters--or maybe 500--after the initial water jump!1

Ads etc lasted until the race was more than half over!1
They did show the final 2 or 2 and a half lapos uncut--but missed was all the mid-race strategizing, the surges, who moved up, who faded, who fell, and so on!!

Imagine the same done to your baseball coberage of an average 9 inning game!@

They show the first inning and a half intact!
Then they break away for ads and other stuff!!

Seen next is the 4th and 5th innings!
Then another breakaway!

Finally, you see the last 2 and a half innings intact!!

You miss HALF of the game!@

Would you like that??


So imagine my DECADES long frustration at NOT seeing HALF of any race that lasts longer than 5 minutes!!

Why can't NBC place their ads and other cutaways AROUND these distance races--and not WHILE they are happening??

You see EVERYTHING ion baseball, football, basketball, golf, auto racing, and probably most other sports shown on TV!!

Track and Field should be given the same respect--and coverage!!\

For FREE!!

Enjoy the remainder of the World Championships!1

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. I'm missing your blog aaronk! I hope you're OK. Send me an email if you can. Thank you!
